Selected Projects

125 Greenwich

Location: : New York, Manhattan, USA

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and shop drawings.

Status: In Progress

Brooklyn Navy Yard

Location : New York, Brooklyn, USA

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and shop drawings.

Status: In Progress

Mennica Legacy Tower

Location : Warsaw, Poland

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and shop drawings.

Status: In Progress

Halletts Point Building 2,3

Location: NewYork, Queens, USA

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and shop drawings.

Status: In Progress

De Waalse Krook

Location: Genth, Belgium

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and shop drawings.

Status: 2016

Sky View Park

Location: New York, Long Island, USA

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and

shop drawings.

Status: 2016

325 Lexington Ave

Location: New York, Manhatan, USA

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and shop drawings.

Status: 2014


Location: New York, Long Island, USA

Scope of Work: Execution of fabricaiton and shop drawings.

Status: 2016

The rest of selected projects